HHS was formerly known as HONK (Hyperosmolar Non-Ketotic State)
- HHS = Severe hyperglycemia (>50mmol/L) without significant hyperketonaemia or acidosis
- Normal ketones
- Normal ph
- Normal bicarbonate
- Osmolality >320mOsm
- HHS is indicative of poor glycaemic control in type 2 patients
- May be the first presentation
- Typically affects patients 55-70 years old (unlike DKA)
- F>M
- 10x less common than DKA
- High glucagon and low insulin activity => high glycogenolysis => hyperglycaemia
- No ketosis because:
- Gluconeogenesis is inhibited by insulin which is still present (only a little insulin is required to prevent it)
- Gluconeogenesis is also inhibited by the significant dehydration
- Liver responds to insulin better than other tissue
Aetiology (Precipitants)
- Drugs
- Steroids
- Diuretics
- Social isolation
- Acute illnesses – e.g. infections causing cortisol release
- Sepsis
- MI, Stroke
Signs & Symptoms:
- Subacute onset over about a week
- This is much longer than DKA
- Initial symptoms may be undetected as these patients are old and less perceptive of thirst
- Severe hyperglycaemia results in profound osmotic diuresis
- => Profound polyuria + polydipsia
- => Severe dehydration and hyperosmolality of blood
- Neurological symptoms develops when osmolality >340mosm/kg (normal is 280-300)
- This is because the brain also becomes dehydrated
- Typically present with disturbed consciousness
- May present with focal neurology – often mistaken for other conditions
- NB no seizures
- => Profound polyuria + polydipsia
- Occlusive events – e.g. DVT, Stroke, MI – are much more likely in HHS than in DKA (greater degree of dehydration)
Differences in HHS vs DKA
- HHS has:
- Slower onset – days vs hours
- Greater glucose increase (>50mmol/L) in HONK
- Greater hyperosmolarity and more dehydration due to this
- Greater risk of occlusive events
- Hypernatremia is more likely
- Hypokalemia is also very likely
- Greater hyperosmolarity and more dehydration due to this
- No change in pH or ketones
- Therefore there are ketotic/acidotic symptoms
- Insulin is more effective in these patients
- Consider acute management and secondary prevention
Acute management (RIPA)
- Escalate if there is imminent organ failure
- Aims:
- Drop osmolality by 3-8mOsm/hr – doing so quicker than this can cause cerebral oedema
- Drop glucose by ≤5mmol/hr
- Rehydration – fluid deficit is higher in HHS than DKA
- 0.9% Saline is given more slowly (over 48/72 hours)
- Monitor CVP and plasma Na+ and glucose
- Insulin infusion (Fixed rate)
- Wait 1 hour before starting – only use this if rehydration alone is not adequate
- Use at half the rate of DKA (0.05 units/kg/hr = weight in kg/20)
- Potassium replacement is required (as in DKA)
- These patients are often hypokalemic in the first place due to high osmolality/normal insulin (rather than being iatrogenic as in DKA)
- Prophylactic Anticoagulants to prevent occlusive events are very important due to the especially high risk of thromboembolism
- I.e. LMWH
Long-term management
- Look for a precipitant and treat it if possible
- Consider the patient’s compliance with treatment
- In a first-time patient something causing an increase in BGL like acute illness can be treated
- Most of these patients can then be discharged and managed without insulin