Uses of Insulin
- Insulin is the mainstay of treatment in Type 1 DM due to the absolute deficiency of insulin
- Also needed in late-stage T2DM
- Useful in chronic glycaemic control (maintain Hba1c ≤ 6.5%) but also in the management of acute complications (DKA/HHS)
Dosing insulin
- 1 unit of insulin usually brings glucose down by 2-3mmol
- Regardless of insulin type
- However, this does vary by patients
- 1 unit of insulin usually brings glucose down by 2-3mmol
- Dosing insulin is based on weight but depends on the patient
- Start with around 0.5unit/kg
- Dosing insulin is based on weight but depends on the patient
Types of Insulin
- Mainly categorised according to duration –
- Insulin can be rapid, short, medium, or long acting and different types are used
- Mainly categorised according to duration –
- Rapid – Lasts for <6 hours and is typically used before/after meals
- These are analogue insulins
- Peaks at 30-120 mins
- Lispro (Humalog), Aspart (novorapid?), glulisine
- Rapid – Lasts for <6 hours and is typically used before/after meals
- Short-acting insulins
- I.e. soluble insulins
- Take 30 mins to act, peak at 4 hours
- Less commonly used now in maintenance
- But are the only option for IV use (FRII/VRII) – so still used for DKA/HHS
- Short-acting insulins
- Medium-acting – lasts about 6-8 hours
- Essentially the short acting soluble + a retardant
- Retardants include Zinc, Crystallised aspart , NPH
- Medium-acting – lasts about 6-8 hours
- Long-acting – used for those with a regular lifestyle
- 2 main types
- Insulin glargine (Lantus, Abasaglar )
- Detemir (levemir),
- 2 main types
- Long-acting – used for those with a regular lifestyle
- Mixes – see below
- Mix a medium– and short- acting agent
- 2 types of mixes – essentially mix an intermediate + either a short acting soluble or rapid acting analogue
- Analogue biphasic insulin – a rapid acting analogue + intermediate insulin
- Human biphasic insulin – short acting soluble insulin (which are human) + a intermediate insulin
- 2 types of mixes – essentially mix an intermediate + either a short acting soluble or rapid acting analogue
- Mix a medium– and short- acting agent
- Mixes – see below
- There are also ultra fast and ultra long acting that are gaining popularity/being developed
- E.g. Degludac, an ultra long acting insulin lasting 42 hours
- There are also ultra fast and ultra long acting that are gaining popularity/being developed
- Different regimes are used depending on the patient’s condition and activity levels
- It is important to know these
- Different regimes are used depending on the patient’s condition and activity levels
The Basal-Bolus regimen
- The patient takes a long-acting OD/BD + a short-acting before every meal (start 1 unit/10g of Carbs)
- Uses:
- 1st line for type 1 diabetics as it mimics physiological insulin closely
- Also common in T2DM
- Allows more flexibility with a variety of meal sizes
- Used for erratic meals and lifestyle
- Allows more flexibility with a variety of meal sizes
- Uses:
Common Basal-Bolus Regimens.
Premixed– see mixes
- E.g. humalin m3, humalog mix 25, 50 etc
- A common example is Novomix
- Comes in different forms with a different proportion of fast vs medium acting insulin
- E.g. Novomix 30 = 30% fast-acting insulin aspart + 70% medium-acting aspart
- 50/50 and 70/30 are also used
- Comes in different forms with a different proportion of fast vs medium acting insulin
- A common example is Novomix
- Given in biphasic regimen twice a day before meals and will fulfil both long and short-term needs
- Dose is titrated to patients BGL at the time (a sliding scale)
- Used mostly for type 2 diabetics along with oral medications
- Also 2nd line for T1DM
- Can alternatively manually mix – give both types of insulin separately twice a day
- Advantages over basal-bolus as it is less complex and there is a reduced need for injections
- Used for those who have a regular lifestyle
- However it is not as precise
- Mixed Insulin Regimen
OD long acting
- Used any time during the day so long as it’s the same time every day
- Uses:
- Used if switching from tablets
- As an add-on therapy for fairly well-controlled DM with predictable lifestyle
- However it is very imprecise with lifestyle changes and carries a substantial risk of hypose
QDS regimen
- Ultra-fast acting before meals and long-acting before bed
- Useful as it also allows flexibility for erratic lifestyles
DAFNE – autonomous use of insulin by a trained patient
- Usually involves insulin pumps which continuously infuse insulin – only used for type 1 DM (are preferred in these patients)
- Mainly use a rapid acting analogue insulin, e.g. continuous Actrapid
Considerations with Insulin
- Side effects – there are 3 key to consider:
- Hypoglycaemia – especially with elderly patients, alcohol binges, and B blockers (mask Sx)
- Abort with sugary drinks if patient is still conscious
- Lipohypertrophy – must rotate injection sites
- Weight gain
- Hypoglycaemia – especially with elderly patients, alcohol binges, and B blockers (mask Sx)
- Side effects – there are 3 key to consider:
Patient Education
- Several things to consider in education as insulin can be quite problematic
- Patient education is important
- ADR management – e.g. hypoglycaemia, lipohypertrophy
- Self-adjustment of insulin according to exercise and calories
- Adjustment during a period of illness – ‘Sick Day Rules‘
- Illnesses can either raise or drop blood glucose
- Usually increase insulin requirements
- Therefore tight monitoring of glucose/ketones, food intake, and adjustment of insulin therapy are key
- Patients can fall into DKA if they fail to adjust their insulin dose accordingly especially because they will often stop eating on top of this and so decrease their dose
- This is a key problem in DM1
- Illnesses can either raise or drop blood glucose
- Patient education is important
- Glucose monitoring is useful to inform how much insulin should be given but has it’s limitations
- Fasting BM only informs long-acting insulin control – not useful for stat dose
- Finger prick BM after a meal informs short-acting insulin dose
- Glucose monitoring is useful to inform how much insulin should be given but has it’s limitations
- Patients on insulin and sulphonylureas must beware the risk of hypose – therefore must take their BGL before driving to be ≥5mmol