- Key anatomy of the brachial plexus
- Nervous supply of the upper limb (shoulder, arm, and hand)
- Clinical relevance of key lesions
Supplied structures
- The brachial plexus supplies all of the shoulder and upper limb except for:
- The trapezius (supplied by CNXI)
- Some skin on the shoulder (superficial cervical plexus)
- Posteromedial aspect of upper arm (the intercostobrachial nerve – a branch of the 2nd intercostal nerve)
Gross structure
- There are 5 key anatomical parts to the brachial plexus described from proximal to distal: (Randy Travis Drinks Cold Beer)
- 5 Roots –
- 3 Trunks
- 6 Divisions
- 3 Cords
- 5 terminal Branches
- Each of the five sections can usually be located using a landmark as described below (although there may be some variation)
- There are 5 key anatomical parts to the brachial plexus described from proximal to distal: (Randy Travis Drinks Cold Beer)
- Roots – These start in the spinal cord
- Arise from C5-T1
- Landmark – usually pass inferolaterally between the anterior and middle scalenes
- Roots – These start in the spinal cord
- Trunks – develop as the roots merge
- 3 trunks to consider:
- Superior/Upper (C5/C6)
- Middle (C7)
- Inferior/lower (C8/T1)
- Landmark – usually found between scalenes and 1st rib
- 3 trunks to consider:
- Trunks – develop as the roots merge
- Divisions – develop as the trunks split again (and will form into cords)
- 3 anterior divisions of each trunk
- 3 posterior divisions of each trunk
- Landmark – divide around the 1st rib and pass under the clavicle
- Divisions – develop as the trunks split again (and will form into cords)
- Cords –
- 3 cords – termed according to relation to the axillary artery
- Posterior (made up of all 3 posterior divisions thus contains all C5-T1)
- Lateral (anterior divisions of Superior and Middle cords – contains C5-C7)
- Medial (anterior division of Inferior cord – contains C8-T1)
- Landmark – run alongside the axillary artery lateral to the clavicle
- 3 cords – termed according to relation to the axillary artery
- Cords –
- Branches – Mainly at the terminal cords (Remember AR MM U) but some occur earlier
- Earlier branches (Landon Donovan was 1st in Super Soccer )
- Long thoracic nerve (C5-C7)- Innervates serratus anterior
- Dorsal scapular nerve (C5)- innervates rhomboids and levator scapulae
- 1st intercostal nerve (T1)
- Nerve to Subclavius (C5-C6/upper trunk)
- Suprascapular nerve (C5-C6/upper trunk) – Innervates infraspinatus + supraspinatus
- Earlier branches (Landon Donovan was 1st in Super Soccer )
- Branches – Mainly at the terminal cords (Remember AR MM U) but some occur earlier
Cord Branches
Posterior cord
- The posterior cord has 4 branches (STAR)
- Subscapular nerve – has 2 main branches
- Upper branch – Supplies subscapularis
- Lower branch – Supply subscapularis and teres major
- Thoracodorsal nerve – aka nerve to latissimus dorsi
- Axillary nerve
- Course: passes posterior to the surgical neck of humerus
- Therefore vulnerable to fractures found here
- Supply:
- Motor – deltoid and teres minor and lateral shoulder
- Sensory – skin over the lateral deltoid (via superior lateral cutaneous nerve of the arm)
- Injury causes ‘regimental badge sign’ and failure to abduct
- Injury causes ‘regimental badge sign’ and failure to abduct
- Course: passes posterior to the surgical neck of humerus
- Radial Nerve
- Course:
- Initially runs in the radial groove in posterior humerus
- Then comes out anterior to the lateral epicondyle (where it bifurcates – see below)
- Branches
- Gives off 3 cutaneous branches in the upper arm
- Posterior brachial cutaneous
- Inferior lateral brachial cutaneous
- Posterior antebrachial cutaneous
- Splits into 2 branches at the lateral epicondyle
- Superficial branch of radial nerve – cutaneous supply to skin of thumb and posterior hand
- Deep branch of radial nerve – supplies extensor muscles of forearm
- Gives off 3 cutaneous branches in the upper arm
- Supply:
- Motor – triceps, brachioradialis, and wrist extensors
- Sensory – posterior arm, forearm, and hand
- Injury – 3 main mechanisms of injury
- Fracture of body of humerus can cause the radial groove to displace and damage the nerve
- Vulnerable to mid-shaft fractures
- Axilla compression (e.g. crutches)
- Injury results in wrist drop (failure to extend hand + wrist + elbow )
- Course:
Lateral cord
- The lateral cord has 3 branches
- Lateral pectoral nerve– supplies the common pectoral nerve (together with medial pectoral nerve – see below)
- Musculocutaneous nerve–
- Course: anterior part of upper arm
- Passes through corachobrachialis near the axilla to come anterior to it
- Continues into forearm as the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm
- Supply:
- Supplies corachobrachialis, brachialis and biceps brachii via branches – i.e. the elbow flexors
- Injury
- Also injured in surgical neck of humerus fractures
- Injury results in failure of elbow flexion
- Course: anterior part of upper arm
- Median nerve (Part of this also comes from the medial cord)
- Course – anterior to elbow (in antecubital fossa) and between the pronator teres muscle
- Supply
- Motor supply – lateral wrist flexors and LOAF muscles (Lumbricals 2/3, Opponens pollicis, abductor pollicus,
- Sensory supply – lateral 3.5 fingers
- Injury:
- 3 main mechanisms
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Supracondylar humeral fracture
- Lunate dislocation
- Distal injury (at wrist) results in:
- Loss of lateral hand sensation
- Loss of thumb apposition + abduction + Thenar atrophy + results in:
- Ape hand deformity – the thumb cannot be abducted or opposed
- The unopposed adductor pollicis exacerbates this by adducting/externally rotating the thumb
- This is the only muscle of the thumb innervated by ulnar n. so remains intact
- 3 main mechanisms
- Supply
- Proximal injury (e.g. at the elbow) also causes other symptoms
- Causes loss of lumbrical function (which doesn’t happen with distal lesions)
- Also causes loss of Flexor Digitus Profundus (to radial 2 fingers)
- Patients cannot flex the index/middle fingers (at the MCPJ due to loss of lumbricals or at the PIPJ/DIPJ due to loss of (half of) FDP)
- FDP remains in the ulnar 2 digits so they can flex
- All of FDS is also lost
- Extension is intact because the interossei (ulnar) and extensor digitorum (radial) are not affected
- Therefore, a claw is seen on flexion
- This leads to the hand of benediction
- (NB this is better termed ‘pointing finger‘ because the middle finger can actually flex as it is connected to the adjacent ring finger FDP = Quadriga phenomenon)
- Differentiate from the ulnar nerve injury as it occurs on flexion
- Differentiate from the ulnar nerve injury as it occurs on flexion
- Proximal injury (e.g. at the elbow) also causes other symptoms
Medial cord
- The medial cord has 2 terminal and 3 non-terminal branches
- Non-terminal branches – these branch off the medial cord before it ends
- Medial cutaneous nerve of the (upper) arm
- Medial cutaneous nerve of the forearm
- Medial pectoral nerve (joins lateral pectoral nerve => pectoral nerve)
- Median nerve (see above)
- Ulnar nerve
- Course: runs medially and posterior to medial epicondyle
- In the forearm, it runs between flexor carpi ulnaris tendon + ulnar artery
- Passes over flexor retinaculum in the ulnar canal
- 2 branches for the hand
- Superficial branch
- Deep branch
- Course: runs medially and posterior to medial epicondyle
- Supply:
- Motor – flexor carpi ulnaris, ulnar half of FDP, hypothenar eminence and PAD/DAB
- Sensory – medial forearm and medial/ulnar 1.5 fingers (i.e. little + half of ring finger)
- Injury:
- Mechanisms:
- Medial epicondyle fracture
- Hook of Hamate fracture also causes failure of intrinsic hand muscles
- Distal Injury results in 2 key muscle failures with 3 effects
- Failure of PAD/DAB muscles causes failure of abduction/adduction and interosseus wasting (in all fingers)
- Failure of the ulnar 2 lumbricals (little/ring) causes weakness of MCPJ flexion
- This also causes the ulnar two MCPJs to remain in extension due to unopposed long finger extensor action (extensor digitorum communis/extensor digiti minimi)
- Failure of both PAD/DAB and lumbricals together also causes weakness of IPJ extension (where these muscles also act)
- This causes IPJ flexion due to unopposed FDP activity
- Ulnar claw hand develops as a complication of both unopposed IPJ flexion + MCPJ extension
- Similar appearance to medial claw hand above but occurs on extension rather than flexion
- Similar appearance to medial claw hand above but occurs on extension rather than flexion
- Mechanisms:
- Supply:
- Ulnar paradox – ‘a more proximal lesion (e.g. elbow) causes a less deformed ulnar claw’
- This is because FDP function is also lost to the two fingers
- Ulnar 2 IPJs (little/ring) are paralysed in full extension (as both FDP + Lumbrical loss means both DIPJ and MCPJ flexion is lost)
- PIPJ is still normal because FDS is only innervated by median nerve.
- Ulnar 2 IPJs (little/ring) are paralysed in full extension (as both FDP + Lumbrical loss means both DIPJ and MCPJ flexion is lost)
- This is because FDP function is also lost to the two fingers
- Ulnar paradox – ‘a more proximal lesion (e.g. elbow) causes a less deformed ulnar claw’
Trunk lesions
- 2 main trunk lesions to consider – split into lower and upper brachial plexus injuries
Erb Duchenne Palsy (Upper Trunk – C5-C6)
- This is a lesion of the Upper trunk (C5/6) and is the most common (50% of all birth-related neuropraxias)
- Mechanism
- Occurs in traumatic birth as neck is flexed away from the shoulder
- Especially affects posterior cord – axillary, suprascapular, and musculocutaneous nerves
- Results in atrophy of deltoid, biceps and brachialis, and infraspinatus/teres minor
- May also involve roots – loss of long thoracic + dorsal scapular nerves
- Features – 4 main features
- Axillary nerve + musculocutaenous nerve loss leads to failure of the deltoid + corachobracialis muscles
- This causes failure to abduct shoulder, resulting in an adducted shoulder
- MSc nerve loss causes loss of the anterior compartment resulting in:
- Failure to flex elbow – extended elbow
- Failure to supinate – Pronated forearm (musculocutaneous nerve – biceps brachii causes supination)
- Suprascapular + axillary nerve loss causes failure of supraspinatus + infraspinatus + teres minor
- Failure to externally rotate leads to a medially rotated arm
- + Winged scapula if long thoracic nerve is lost
- Axillary nerve + musculocutaenous nerve loss leads to failure of the deltoid + corachobracialis muscles
- Features – 4 main features
- This all culminates in the waiter’s tip sign
- Either may be associated with Horner’s syndrome
- Due to involvement of the stellate ganglion or sympathetic chain
- Narakas classification can be used to classify Erb’s palsy based on the severity of paralysis
Klumpke’s Palsy (Lower Trunk – C8-T1)
- This is much rarer than Erb’s palsy
- Commonly affected in Pancoast tumour or ‘grabbing onto a branch’
- Median and ulnar nerves are most affected
- Ulnar nerve is more severely affected
- Features:
- Complete hand paralysis – loss of all Lumbricals
- Loss of forearm flexors + extensors
- Because intrinsic muscles are more affected, the patient may develop a ‘claw hand’ – unopposed finger flexion + arm/wrist extension
- Can also cause Horner’s Syndrome
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