- Parts of the brain
- Lobes
- Sulcus and gyrus
Parts of the brain
- Broadly, there are 4 main regions of note in the brain:
- Cerebral hemispheres (aka telencephalon, cerebrum )
- Separated by longitudinal fissure
- Each hemisphere contains a cavity called the lateral ventricles
- There are multiple regions within the hemispheres (see ‘lobes of the brain’ below)
- Diencephalon
- Surrounds the 3rd ventricle
- Composed of:
- Epithalamus (pineal gland)
- Dorsal thalamus
- Hypothalamus
- Thalamus
- The brainstem
- Lies within middle/posterior cranial fossae
- Made up of 3 parts:
- Midbrain (Mesencephalon)
- Most rostral part of the brainstem
- Between the middle/posterior cranial fossae
- Contains cerebral aqueduct
- Pons
- Middle part of brainstem
- Lies in posterior cranial fossa
- Part of the 4th ventricle
- Medulla oblongata
- Caudal part of brainstem
- Continuous with spinal cord
The main parts of the brain. Note that the forebrain includes both telencephalon (cerebrum) and diencephalon.
- Midbrain (Mesencephalon)
- Cerebellum
- Below tentorium cerebri
- 2 hemispheres joined by the vermis
Lobes of the cerebral hemispheres
- There are six main areas of the cerebrum to consider (FM SPOT):
- Frontal lobe – responsible for planning and personality
- Motor Cortex – movement
- Sensory Cortex – sensations
- Parietal lobe – spelling, calculations, perception
- Occipital lobe –Vision
- Temporal lobe – Memory, language
- Connected by corpus callosum
- This unites hemispheres via commissural fibres
- Also have other commissures
Parts of the brain and their functions (simplified)
- The sulci and gyri are part of the cerebral cortex (i.e. the surface of the brain)
- Sulcus – depressions
- Gyrus – ridges
- Certain fixed sulcus’/gyrus’ serve as landmarks of separations between lobes
- Central sulcus separates parietal and frontal lobes
- Pre-central gyrus – contains the primary motor cortex
- Post-central gyrus – contains the primary sensory cortex
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