There are four main steps to know about here:
- Fertilisation (0-24 hours)
- Morula formation (1-4 days)
- Blastocyst formation (4-5 days)
- Implantation (5-6 days)

- First, the oocyte (egg) is released during ovulation in the ovarian cycle
- This enters into the fallopian tube/oviduct via fimbriae
- The sperm meets the oocyte
- It penetrates the corona radiata then the zona pellucida
- The zona pellucida is a glycoprotein membrane covering the oocyte that provides nutrients
- The corona radiata surrounds the oocyte and the zona pellucida
- It penetrates the corona radiata then the zona pellucida
- The membranes of the sperm and the egg fuse to form the zygote

Morula Formation
- The totipotent zygote undergoes rapid cleavage to form 2, 4, 8, and then 16 cells
- At the 16 cell stage it is collectively known as the morula (no cystic cavity).
- The individual cells are called blastomeres
- NB size of the individual cells remains the same
- The cells continue to divide in the morula
- At the 16 cell stage it is collectively known as the morula (no cystic cavity).
- The zona pellucida still remains and is important in protecting and providing nutrients to the zygote via diffusion
- This all occurs while the morula is travelling toward the uterus for implantation
Blastocyst formation (4-5 days)
- At this stage, the zona pellucida degenerates
- Therefore implantation into the uterus is necessary to provide nutrients
- Two separate pluripotent cell types develop from the cells of the morula to develop the blastocyst (this name is used because it has a fluid filled cavity)
- Trophoblast develops at the top
- Cells flatten and form epithelial wall to form blastocyst cavity.
- These will produce the placenta
- Also secrete fluid inwards to form the blastocyst cavity
- Inner cell mass (aka embryoblast)
- Produce the embryo proper
- The side of the ICM facing blastocele will be ventral surface of embryo – thus is the first axis formed (i.e. the ventral vs dorsal orientation of the embryo)
- Trophoblast develops at the top
Implantation (5-6 days)
- The endometrium is the lining of the uterus
- It is a single layer of columnar epithelium overlying loose connective tissue
- It is rich in blood vessels
- It is maintained by progesterone and later HCG release from syncytiotrophoblasts of the embryo
- Implantation should occur in the anterior or posterior uterus
- Ectopic pregnancies (outside the uterus) can cause many problems
- E.g. placenta previa if the cervical os is blocked,
- E.g. abdominal haemorrhage if in Douglas’ pouch
- Ectopic pregnancies (outside the uterus) can cause many problems
- Implantation occurs when the blastocyst’s syncitiotrophoblasts adhere to the epithelium and then invade
- See Week 2 for more detail