- Meninges
- Dural folds
- Potential spaces

- Functions:
- Prevent ischaemia/injury
- Provide buoyancy
- Chemical stability
- 4 layers (from superficial to deep:
- Dura mater – tough, fibrous layer
- Two layers of dura:
- Periosteal dura – lines the skull bone
- Meningeal dura – lines the arachnoid mater (there is a potential space called the subdural space between them
- Venous sinuses run between the two layers of dura
- Two layers of dura:
- Arachnoid mater
- Delicate membrane
- Arachnoid granulations transfer CSF in the subarachnoid space => venous sinuses in dura
- Subarachnoid space
- Contains CSF and cerebral arteries
- Contains arachnoid trabeculae from the arachnoid => pia
- Larger above the sulci (as more distance between pia/arachnoid)
- Pia mater
- This is a delicate vascular membrane
- Dura mater – tough, fibrous layer
Dural folds (Falx)
- These are folds of the meningeal dura
- Meningeal dura detaches from the periosteal dura
- Then both parts of the detached meningeal durae fold and then fuse with each other to form the Falx
- The falx contain the venous sinuses
- Venous drainage of the brain occurs through between dura
- There are 4 dural folds:
- Falx cerebri
- Tentorium cerebelli
- Falx cerebelli
- Diaphragma sellae

Falx Cerebri
- Reflects down the sagittal fissure of the brain
- Between cerebral hemispheres
- Prevents lateral movement of brain
- Contains 3 venous sinuses:
- Superior sagittal sinus at superior margin
- Inferior sagittal sinus at lower margin
- Tentorial/straight sinus at border with tentorium
Tentorium Cerebelli
- Reflection of dura between the cerebellum and occipital lobes
- Prevents superior/inferior movement of brain (cerebellum and cerebrum)

- Attaches to the anterior clinoid process
- Covers everything except the brainstem
- Opening for brainstem = tentorial notch
- Covers everything except the brainstem
- Clinically very significant:
- Volume expansion above tentorium can cause uncal herniation of brain
- Brain goes through tentorial notch
- This puts pressure on brainstem which compresses key basic functions (e.g. cardiorespiratory centres)
- Tentorium may lacerate the herniating brain
- Volume expansion above tentorium can cause uncal herniation of brain
Cerebellar falx
- Between cerebellar hemispheres
- Prevents lateral movement of the cerebellum
Sellar diaphragm (Diaphragm Sellae)
- Suspended between anterior and posterior clinoid processes
- Passes between the pituitary and hypothalamus
- An aperture allows passage of infundibulum
- Forms the roof of the cavernous sinus
Potential spaces
- 3 key spaces to consider
- Subarachnoid space between arachnoid and pia mater
- Subdural space between dura and arachnoid
- Epidural space between periosteal dura and bone
- Note that the subdural and epidural spaces are usually only potential spaces
- All can become significant with haemorrhage
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