- The cranial nerve nuclei
- Key rules of brainstem nuclei
The Cranial Nerve Nuclei
- Cranial nerves are numbered from how their nuclei are ordered, rostral to caudal (i.e. front to back/superior to inferior).
- The names reflect general distribution/function.
- There are 12 nuclei for the 12 cranial nerves (remember in groups of 4)
- Four above pons
- CNI and CNII are not in the brainstem and lie in the cerebrum
- CNI to the forebrain
- CNII to the thalamus + occipital lobe
- CNIII and CNIV nuclei are in the midbrain
- CNI and CNII are not in the brainstem and lie in the cerebrum
- Four in pons
- CNV nuclei span the brainstem
- CNVIII at pontomedullary junction
- CNVI and CNVII lie in-between
- 4 in medulla
- Four above pons
- Note that there are 4 types of cranial nerve nuclei:
- Afferents (sensory are towards the side)
- These contain cell bodies of primary neurones (analogous to the DRG in spinal nerves)
- Somatic efferent (motor are medial)
- Within the brainstem
- Contain cell bodes of motor cranial nerves
- Analogous to the ventral horn in spinal nerves
- Visceral efferent – parasympathetic fibres that correspond to a somatic efferent of the same nerve.
- Note that there is 1 nucleus per region of the brainstem
- Edinger-Westphal for CNIII (in midbrain)
- Superior salivary for CNVII (in pons)
- Inferior salivary for CNIX (at pontine-medullary junction)
- Dorsal Nucleus of Vagus Nerve for CNX (medulla)
- 1 combined nucleus – Nucleus Ambiguus
- Combines for CNIX, CNX, and XI
- Note that there is 1 nucleus per region of the brainstem
- Parasympathetic sensory comes from one nucleus
- Nucleus Solitarius – sensory (SVA, GVA) for several nerves
- Contains CNVII, CNIX, CNX
- Nucleus Solitarius – sensory (SVA, GVA) for several nerves
- Afferents (sensory are towards the side)

Key Rules of brainstem nuclei
- Brainstem nuclei lie where cranial nerve exits the brainstem
- 2 of each nuclei (one for each side)
- Motor and sensory fibres will have independent nuclei for the same cranial nerve
- Motor nuclei in the Middle
- Sensory nuclei on the Side
- Parasympathetic nuclei – one in each section + combined nuclei
- CNV is special
- Combines parasympathetic and sensory neurones
- Sensory nucleus spans across brainstem
- Carries visceral afferents from other nerves (trigeminothalamic tract)
- NB some sensory nuclei are unusual
- CNV sensory nucleus combines parasympathetic/sensory nuclei
- Vestibulocochlear nucleus is in 2 parts (CNVIII is 2 nerves)
- CNXI nucleus lies primarily in SC
- Collaterals from nucleus ambiguus in medulla
- Nucleus ambiguus and solitarius are the only combined nucleus’ – both are:
- In the medulla
- Parasympathetic + to visceral structures
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