- Respiratory failure- ‘Blood PaO2 < 8.0kpaon air’
- This is ultimately due to ‘Inadequate gas exchange by the respiratory system’
- This hypoxemia can then cause hypoxia
- Respiratory failure is a complication/presentation of conditions
- Gas exchange determines the type of failure that different pathologies cause
- Oxygengas exchange is dependent on
- Surface area
- PO2
- Ventilation
- Diffusion pathway length
- All of these can occur through the various mechanisms of RF
- Carbon dioxideexchanges 20x faster
- Mainly dependent just on overall ventilation
- Poor inspiration and expiration causes T2RF
- Therefore less affected in in T1RF
- Mainly dependent just on overall ventilation
- 2 main types although there are others
- Type 1- Normocapnic
- Localised V/Q mismatch:
- Pathological shunts
- Fluid in the alveoli
- Localised V/Q mismatch:
- Type 2- Hypercapnia (PCO2 >6kPa)
- Problems with generalised alveolar hypoventilationcausing a global V/Q mismatch in all alveoli
- Both can be acute or chronic
- Summary of causes and features
Type I
Type II
→ or ↑ →
→ or ↑ Bicarbonate
Acute asthma
Acute severe asthma
Pulmonary oedema
Lung fibrosis
Acute exacerbation COPD
Sleep apnoea and obesity
Lymphangitis carcinomatosa
Upper airway obstruction
Spinal problems
- Kyphoscoliosis
- Ankylosing spondylitis
Lobar collapse
Right-to-left shunts
- Central
- Neuropathies
- Narcotic drugs
Myopathies/muscular dystrophy
Brain-stem lesion
Flail chest injury
Pulmonary embolus
Primary alveolar hypoventilation
Clinical features- are similar in both types :
- Hypoxemia
- Acute
- Tachypnoeaanddyspnoea with accessory muscle usage
- Cyanosis
- Tachycardia
- Cognitive disturbance – e.g. agitation and confusion- CNS is very vulnerable to hypoxia
- May even develop cardiorespiratory arrest
- Chronic
- Polycythaemia
- Pulmonary HTN
- Cor pulmonale
- Acute
- Hypercapnia
- Vasodilation- Flushing
- Bounding pulse
- Increased cerebral bloodflowhas various effects
- Headache
- CO2 retention flap
- Confusion => coma
- Papilloedema and ICP
- Respiratory acidosis
- Increased cerebral bloodflowhas various effects
- History
- Respiratory exam
- Immediate ABGto diagnose the type of respiratory failure
- Repeat after an hourof supportive care to see if there is improvement
- Investigat the cause
- Bloods
- Orifices – sputum, throat swabs
- Further imaging and other special tests
- Supportive care – treat physiological derangement
- Oxygen –
- Hudson- Aim for 94-98% SaO2 in most patients
- Non-rebreatheif acute
- Venturi- NB in COPD patients hypoxia drives ventilation rather than hypercapnia
- Therefore give oxygen carefully targeting SaO2 88-92%
- Venturi- NB in COPD patients hypoxia drives ventilation rather than hypercapnia
- May require intubationif mask oxygen is insufficient
- Oxygen –
- Hypercapnia treatment
- BIPAP is used if it is severe and not improved with medical management
- Treat cause
- Then can manage and investigate the cause
- Use additional measures if required
- E.g. nebulised salbutamol, antibiotics, diuretics for CCF
- Use additional measures if required