Indications for screening
Symptomatic patients with any of the following are regularly screened
- Related conditions
- IHD, HTN, Hyperlipidaemia
- ‘Diabetic precursors’
- Gestational diabetes – screened yearly
- Impaired Glucose Tolerance
- Those on steroid therapy long-term
- Patients on atypical antipsychotics
- Symptomatic patients – see Clinical features of diabetes
- Polydipsia/Polyuria
- Recurrent infections
- Weight loss
- Tiredness
- Urinary incontinence
- Signs of peripheral neuropathy or retinopathy
The NHS Health Check System
- Screening asymptomatic patients is done as part of the NHS health check system
- This is a national risk assessment programme
- (See best practice guidelines for detail)
- Eligibility for screening:
- All adults 40-73 years old without a pre-existing condition are offered screening
- This system screens for 5 conditions :
- T2DM
- Stroke
- Dementia (for those >60)
- NB not HTN specifically
- Methodology:
- Done by GP
- Steps:
- Identify whether the patient is at high-risk (screening tools are available)
- BMI >30 (use instead 25 if Asian)
- People with signs of diabetic disease
- E.g. retinopathy, kidney disease, neuropathy
- BP >140/90
- People with associated conditions
- Women with past gestational diabetes
- Glucose testing is done in high-risk patients only
- HBA1c is recommended over OGTT/fasting glucose but both can be used
- Random glucose tests should not be used at all for screening/diagnosis
- Once this is done:
- Further investigations for complications etc can be carried out
- Treatment can be delivered
- Identify whether the patient is at high-risk (screening tools are available)
- Separate assessments are done for the other conditions