The nerves of the lower limb originate from the lumbosacral plexus.
The Lumbosacral Plexus
The lumbosacral plexus is made up of two separate plexuses.
- Supplies the whole of the lower limb
- Lumbar plexus (ventral rami of T12-L4) – supplies the anterior and medial compartments
- Obturator nerve – supplies the adductors (i.e. the medial compartment)
- Femoral nerve – supplies the quadriceps, sartorius (anterior compatment of thigh)
- Sacral plexus (ventral rami of L4-S3) – this has 2 main sets of nerves
- Also contributes to the femoral nerve
- Gluteal nerves (posterior compartment of hip)
- Superior gluteal nerve
- Inferior gluteal nerve
- Sciatic nerve and its branches (posterior thigh + all of lower leg)
- Tibial nerve – calf muscles
- Common Peroneal nerve
- Deep fibular – anterior compartment
- Superficial fibular – lateral compartment
- Sciatic branches
- Lumbar plexus (ventral rami of T12-L4) – supplies the anterior and medial compartments
- Both plexuses partially come together to form the lumbosacral trunk
- Forms only from L4 and L5 (i.e. upper sacral/lower lumbar plexus)
- Forms from the anterior divisions
- This gives off the femoral nerve
Nerves of the leg
Lumbar plexus
- Femoral nerve (L2-L4) branches into:
- Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
- Supplies the lateral aspect of the thigh.
- Clinically important
- Typically damaged in compression from lumbar lordosis – commonly in pregnancy
- Saphenous nerve
- Purely sensory supply
- Ends around the knee
- Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
The femoral nerve is typically damaged in trauma. This results in quadriceps palsy causing knee extension failure
- Obturator nerve (L2-L4)
- Supplies hip adductors
- Injury causes loss of hip adduction
Sacral plexus
- Superior gluteal nerve
- Supplies the gluteus medius, minimus, and TFL
- Injury causes trendelenburg sign, a waddling gait
- Inferior gluteal nerve
- Innervates gluteus maximus
- Injury is rare but causes loss of gluteus maximus muscle – difficult standing up.
- Sciatic nerve (L4-S3)
- Injured in many pathologies:
- Causes loss of all muscle function below the knee due to loss of sciatic branches.
- Splits into tibial and common peroneal nerves in the popliteal fossa.
- Common fibular nerve (aka common peroneal nerve)
- Injury results in foot drop due to loss of anterior muscles this extensor failure
- Superficial fibular nerve innervates 2 muscles laterally
- Deep fibular nerve
- Supplies the anterior lower leg
- Minimal sensory supply to a bit of the foot
- Tibial nerve
- Supplies all the muscles of the calf (i.e. posterior compartment)
- Injured in tarsal tunnel syndrome.
- Splits at the ankle to form the plantar nerves
- Injured in many pathologies: