- The knee joint is less mobile than others (e.g. the hip) due the greater load requiring more stability
- Articulates at tibial plateau.
- Facets for medial and lateral condyles of femur
- Relatively poor articulation, ↑stability by the use of:
- Muscles
- Ligaments
- Menisci
Knee menisci
- Wedge-shaped and cartilaginous structures
- Thicker laterally
- Also curved to articulate with condyles
- Functions:
- Act as shock absorbers
- Spread the load of the weight
- Increase stability by holding in joint in place (↑congruence)
- Reduce friction between condyles
- Act as shock absorbers
Knee ligaments
- Collateral ligaments – these maintain the ‘column’ by preventing adduction/abduction of the femur
- Medial – over tibia
- Lateral – over fibula
- Cruciate ligaments – Prevent anterior/posterior slipping of the femur
- Anterior
- Posterior
Knee Muscles
- Consider
- Flexors
- Extensors
Knee Flexion
- Mainly done by the Hamstrings (also extend hip)
- Sartorius – essentially helps with all movements to sit cross-legged (hip abduction, hip flexion, knee flexion)
- NB it is a weak muscle
- Innervated by femoral nerve (L2-L3)
- NB this is also the longest muscle in the human body
- Gracilis
- Also adducts hip
Knee Extension
- This is done by the group of muscles known as quadriceps femoris
- All insert into the quadriceps tendon and onto tibial tuberosity
- All innervated by Femoral nerve (L2-L4)
- Vastus medialis
- Vastus intermedius
- Vastus lateralis
- Rectus femoris
- This is more superficial than the other 3 muscles